Our Governors
Thank you for visiting our website and, as Chair of the Governing Body, I would like to thank you for taking the time and welcome you to the school.
The Governors and I are proud of our school and the level of commitment the Headteacher, Senior Management Team, Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Support Staff dedicate to the welfare and education of the pupils. As members of the Governing Body, we as a team, support and challenge the school leadership to improve and maintain the highest of standards.
If you are considering sending your child to Daresbury Primary School, I would encourage all new parents to arrange with Mrs Zuger, the Headteacher, to visit the school during the normal school day and the see this little school which makes a big difference in operation.
If I can be any assistance, please contact me using the details below.
Thank you,
Mr Mike Sherwin
c/o Daresbury Primary School Chester Rd
Tel: 01925 740309
Email: msherwin@dps.theheathfamily.org.uk
Our Governors
Mike Sherwin - Chair of Governors
Trust governor
- Chair of Governors
- Maths link Governor
Andrea Porritt - Vice Chair of Governors
Trust governor
- Vice Chair of Governors
- SEND link Governor
- MFL link Governor
Kerry Baker - Trust Governor
- Computing link Governor
- English link Governor
(14/01/22 - 13/01/26) -Computing Governor
Samantha Baldock – Staff Governor
Teaching and Learning - Term of office dates 27.01/22 - 26/01/26
Joe Craven - Staff Governor
Hannah Jolyami - Trust Governor
- Science link Governor
Phil Bairsto - Parent Governor
- Parent Governor
- Safe Guarding link Governor
- Humanities link Governor
Trust Governor Vacancy currently being sought
Parent Governor Vacancy currently being sought