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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Hello and welcome to Year 6 where your child will have fun, work hard and try their best in everything that they do. It is going to be a great year full of new adventures, discoveries and learning. The Year 6 teachers are Mrs Butterworth and Mrs Stewart. 

Mrs Stewart will be teaching Year 6 Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Butterworth will teach Year 6 Thursday and Friday. They will both be teaching Year 6 on a Wednesday.

School Day Checklist:

  • All uniform and PE kits clearly labelled
  • Labelled water bottle
  • A bag that can hold their reading diary, book and lunch (unless they order a hot dinner).
  • Reading diary and books to be in bags every day

Communication between school and home-Seesaw

I am here to support both children and parents and the main form of communication within this academic year is Seesaw. Although Seesaw is monitored continuously, I would ask that messages with regards attendance or picking up/collecting are done via the office as we would hate to miss anything important.

Rules, learning behaviours and rewards

Within our school all children are taught to follow 3 key rules to always be kind, safe and ready. The children in school today are going to be facing huge challenges in the wider world and we are working with them to develop skills and attitudes that will help them be successful in the wider world. Daresbury’s Learning Behaviours are: Collaborating, Active Listening, Showing Curiosity, Being Independent and Reflecting. We consistently give out pom poms (team points) for their teams when school rules and learning behaviours are demonstrated. We will also celebrate successes on a Friday within our whole school celebration assembly. Your child could be chosen for:

  • Special Mentions
  • Mathematician of the week
  • Read of the week
  • The Wall of Success

In addition to recognising achievements and positive reinforcements of our school rules, we do have systems in place for when our school rules, behaviour expectations and learning behaviours are not followed.

Step 1: a reminder of the rule that they have broken

Step 2: children will receive a verbal warning (this will be done 1:1 and not in front of others

Step 3: a 2 minute reflection time with an adult

Step 4: a 15 minute reflection with an adult. Parents will be informed and the incident will be logged onto the school monitoring system.

Step 5: Follow up-repair and restore. Class teacher to discuss the behaviour with child/children and consider collaboratively how to best repair the problem/behaviour. For example, this could be completing work missed in their own time like at break times.


Reading expectations and Reading diaries

Reading is really important as it provides children with pleasure and enjoyment, the ability to expand their vocabulary and open them up to a world of imagination and adventure. It is also highly beneficial for other areas of their learning, including their wider knowledge of the world and other subjects they learn in school.

All children are expected to read at least 3 times a week and have their online reading diary signed by a parent/carer that is on Seesaw under 'Activities'.

Please encourage your child to discuss the text and answer questions about it afterwards. There is a document at the bottom of this page with example questions that you could ask your child.

You will receive a half–term update about your child’s reading progress via SEESAW. In their daily reading session, each child will have the opportunity to read aloud. 


All children are expected to read at least 3 times per week. Alongside this, Year 6’s homework includes:

A piece of reading or maths homework – this is uploaded to Seesaw on a Friday and due in on the Wednesday afterwards.

Spellings – children will not receive a spelling test however these spellings will be discussed and used throughout the week.

Times tables – children are expected to go on TTRockstars at least 3 times a week to deepen their multiplication and division facts.


Year 6 will have two sessions of PE a week. PE lessons for Year 6 will take place on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.

Children are required to come into school wearing their PE kits on their PE days. We request the children to wear a school PE kit with a logo or a plain white t-shirt with plain black shorts/bottoms. We also have a school hoodie which can be worn as a jumper on PE days as part of the PE Kit.

Academic planner

Please find our Year 6 academic planner for the first half term below. This outlines what Year 6 will be learning over the Autumn term.

Birthdays and Treats

We will ensure all children whose birthday it is are recognised and that their birthday is celebrated by school, however we would prefer not to distribute cakes and sweets or gifts in class as this can take up quite a bit of time at the end of the day and can put some parents under pressure to provide this treat for everyone. We are also a 'Healthy School' and should not be actively promoting sugary treats on a regular basis. Thank you for your support with this.

Here are some websites that you may find useful to support your child's learning: Fun and exciting maths and literacy games available. Lots and lots of games and tools to help your child with maths at home. Fun games to support the learning of times tables.  Table Mountain is recommended and can be played in demo mode. Lots of arithmetic practice for all areas of Maths Maths games

Reading VIPERS guidance. a picture a day that your child can talk or write about to let their imaginations soar. Spelling rules practice for each year group.

Please always ask if you want anything to support your child at home