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At Daresbury, we provide Spanish lessons from Reception as we know that children have an incredible capacity for learning new languages from an early age.

We have a specialist language teacher who teaches every class on a weekly basis. We use fun and interactive teaching methods, often based around song, rhythm and the use of actions which engage the children and allow them to develop a sound framework of knowledge which is added to as they move up through the school. We offer opportunities for children to become increasingly familiar with the sounds and written form of Spanish, to develop language-learning skills, to understand and communicate in Spanish and make comparisons between it and English.

We use the Primary Languages Network Scheme of Work which is based on National Curriculum requirements and provides comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics which ensure progression and development within the subject.

The children use their knowledge with growing confidence and competence to understand what they hear and read and to express themselves in speech and in writing thus addressing the four core skills of language learning.

In addition, we also ensure that the children increase their cultural awareness by learning about different countries and their people and foster positive attitudes towards foreign language learning, both valuable assets in today’s global society.